Tuesday, June 21, 2016

.astronomy8 day 1 unconference session notes

#dynamap session (first half)

For MANGA IFU survey in SDSS-IV, need to display maps (of few 1000 pixels or less) of galaxy properties.
Want to do it dynamically in the browser.
Switch between images and spectra.
Overlay different properties.
User-choosable colourmap and binning scale.  Save and share plot commands.

FITS viewers: firefly (IRSA, LSST); astroviewapp.com (very controllable, not intuitive); others; all are "nearly ready"

Javascript libraries of potential use: highcharts.com, openlayers.org, leafletjs.com

#intfigs session (second half)

If you want to submit an interactive figure, contact the journal on submission.

What will the data object look like that you, the author, will provide for an interactive graph?
What about standards for the readers, so they know they can view the interactive figures easily?

Brushing is (e.g.) selecting some points in one plot, and highlighting them in a different plot.
Brushing can be done in Crossfilter and D3, and in Bokeh. Bokeh is a Python interactive visualization library that targets modern web browsers for presentation.

AAS plans to move data tables and interactive figures outside the publishing firewall. Hooray!

#astroally session

On twitter, if you're interested in social justice in astronomy, and science in general, you should follow Sarah Tuttle and Chanda. And Katie Mack, Jessica Kirkpatrick, and Sarah Ballard. See also Kelle Cruz' MyMentorNetwork Twitter list.

Sessions I didn't attend
#introjulia : for numerically intensive computing in python syntax
#cooltools : https://dotastronomyteam.slack.com/messages/cooltools/ (not public, sorry)
#pywhereisit: astropy.userecho.com ...spectroscopic tools a bit lacking; discoverability issues

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