Thursday, June 23, 2016

.astronomy8 Day 3 Morning Sessions including lightning talks

Software & Data Publishing with the AAS - Tom Robitaille & August Muench

* Software is key to science, and is done largely by junior scientists.
* Need to recognize this in e.g. hiring committees.
* AAS now has a software policy, including accepting software papers (no minimum length) which do not include novel research results, but do include novel or important software
* Recommend publishing software itself, w/open source license, with a static snapshot archived on e.g. zenodo or figshare or dataverse. Those websites will give you a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) which should be permanent.
* When citing software, cite the paper (for credit) and the DOI referrring to the version of the software used (for reproducibility).
* In aastex6, use \software{Code \citep{}}

* How could the articles AAS publishes make better use of data objects produced by the community?
* Figure Sets (incl. interactive, and videos)
* Data citation and linking to archives via DOIs

Libraries for Astronomers - Daina Bouquin

* Libraries can be incubators for innovation ... from the Atlas of New Librarianship: Libraries empower people to positively impact society by facilitating knowledge creation.
* What are a community's values and aspirations ... how can libraries help you meet them?
* You want to do awesome stuff with library resources; Libraries want to show off what you do.
* Concepts to Guide your Library: Conversation, Ownership, Adaptability, Support.
- Conversation: learning is social; not everyone learns just from exposure to artifacts; instead, build knowledge through collaboration and exposure to new ideas and processes.
- Adaptability: tools will change quickly, so help students learn to problem-solve, to ask questions, to not be intimidated by change.
- Support: safe place to say "I don't know"; to encounter diverse viewpoints.
* Physical resources: Leap Motion Controllers, digital cameras, ...
* Training topics: github, jupyter, python, visualization, ...

Palomar Transient Factory Schools - Adam Miller
* PTF has flexible scheduling for moving objects, variables, transients, etc.
* New transients are identified (sometimes classified) within 20 minutes of observation
* Machine learning has been critical
* P48 for the survey, P60 for followup photometry, P200 for followup spectroscopy
* P48 was the POSS telescope; ZTF will fully fill the 48 deg^2 FOV ...15x faster than PTF
* See link above for Time-Domain-Astronomy summer schools
* Summer school participants are mostly graduate students, undergrads w/letters of ref, & postdocs

* General Structure for these sorts of schools:
- science talk immediately followed by a hand-on session working with an iPython notebook on that science topic.
- each problem builds on, and utilizes, skills from previous problems
- lectures and exercises dynamically updated each year based on student feedback
- Marketing is important: know who you would like to attend the school, and invite them
- Size is crucial: ~50 is OK, ~100 probably too large
- Summer programs should supplement traditional courses
- Exclude organizers who don't care and won't put in time
- Build the program top-down: consider the entire school as a single unit and design an arc for it
- Jump over much of the learning curve by involving professional educators - in this case they're mostly involved with the concurrent undergrad school.
- Matthew Graham, La Serena Data School, limited to 40 places (8x oversubscription), including 3 mixed-team project days, working under a professor who "knows what the answer will be".

Lightning talks:
* Demitri: 8: Yale University - mostly astronomers - 5 days - August 1-6, 2016, $180
* Demitri: nitelite fits viewer for mac
* Demitri+Niall: Astrotweeps - tweet for a week about your science and the astronomy community
* Niall: astronomy outreach at massive sports events or concert events or shopping malls
* 3js is utterly brilliant for 3D visualization (rendering engine, browser adaptable)
* Erik: JWST_DADF at, tools incl. specviz MOSviz ...coding sprints using
* Jamie Ferguson, University of Glasgow, HCI, Making Astro More Accessible Thru Tech
* Simon uvgriz multi-epoch 2" seeing survey of entire southern sky, releases mag 9-17 in 2018+, <19.5-21.5 2019+
* Alyssa ... paper density on the sky works now; next, click on image in a paper and see it in online telescope context: Journal Images in the Sky on zooniverse.
* Kelle:
AstroBetter Blog and Wiki is a way YOU can publish. is a "journal" to aggregate online content and get indexed by ADS.
SciencBetter Consulting, LLC:
* Daina: .io domain profits go to Britain and not to the Chagos Islanders; also beware .book

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